Catching Up

Hello! Sorry that’s it’s been so long in between posts. We will post more regularly from now on!

A lot has happened since our last posting. Andy and Don are still our owners. Matthew and Wes are still here on our sales floor and Jim has now been here several years as well. Blake Korte has been an instructor for us, but we recently added him to our floor staff. We have a great team!

Covid. Ah yes, Covid. It’s certainly affected us here at Music Folk. Despite shutting down for a few months in 2020, we actually had one of our best years ever in sales and repairs! It seemed that everyone wanted to learn how to make music and that trend has continued in sales this year. That’s a very wonderful thing! Hopefully, a positive to come out of Covid is more musicians walking on our planet, Earth.

Our in house lesson program was halted due to the pandemic. We shortened our hours as a result. The Old Time and Irish Jams were affected by this. We need to make some building improvements in our our lesson area. Once completed, our hours will go back to normal, in house lessons can resume and the jams can begin once again.

We are heading into the Holiday Season stocked very well. Covid has greatly affected the supply chain. We have been proactive with ordering and it has worked out nicely. Most manufactures still have very long lead times, but we’re in a great position, we HAVE product! Be sure to come here for your Holiday Shopping needs!

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