This Bamboo Didgeridoo provides exceptional playability with a unique turtle painted design and all natural tone.
The wonderful instrument is hand made from bamboo and comes in a standard 47″ length. Whenever you perform with the Djembe or African drum, this Didgeridoo is a great addition to the ensemble.
47″ long
Handcrafted and hand painted
Didgeridoos made from bamboo are some of the best options for new players. Because bamboo is inexpensive, the didgeridoo can be bought for a lower price than could didgeridoos made from traditional materials like hardwoods.
This didgeridoo has been properly cured to protect it from cracks and splintering and has been strengthened through binding that will allow you play it for years to come.
Bamboo didgeridoos between three and four feet long offer the best sound options, as longer and shorter didgeridoos are much harder for beginners to play. Bamboo didgeridoos offer a unique range of tones. In fact, musicians who specialize in trance music or meditation soundtracks prefer a didgeridoo made from bamboo. Bamboo allows the player to keep a tone lingering for much longer than can be achieved by other types of didgeridoo materials
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