Kirk Hanser and John McClellan in Concert 4/29/05

Music Folk was proud one of the world’s best classical guitar duos: Hanser/McClellan. As they both have been in the middle of a rather busy schedule, the duo relaxed and shared some stories as well as playing some of the most ferocious classical guitar…

Songwriter Night 5– March 19th, 2005

Music Folk was the home to a great evening of original songs as part of the ongoing Songwriter Night series. We were proud to feature Jonathan Byrd who hails from North Carolina. Rich Simmons performed some great songs, representing the some of the best…

Pete Huttlinger Concert and Workshop

  February 5th and 6th, 2005 Pete Huttlinger visited us and gave a wonderful concert of fingerstyle music, performed with exceptional technical ability. We are always grateful to have musicians of such skill and personable nature play at Music Folk   Sitting or standing,…

Christmas Eve, 2004

Thanks to Mike Saputo for taking some great photos of this years Christmas Eve Party, featuring lots of great music and good times.   Visiting with good friends.   Jammin’ at the stumps     Dave and Tom   Winfield Champ Alex Usher  …

Songwriter Night 4 — November 13th, 2004

For this Songwriter Night we had something a little different – instead of the usual solo performers, we hosted two groups. We had the trio Salt of the Earth (they have since added a fourth member), headed up by Lynne Reif, and the duo…